"The debate is over: By any definition, Iraq is in a state of civil war. Indeed, the only thing standing between Iraq and a descent into total Bosnia-like devastation is 135,000 U.S. troops -- and even they are merely slowing...
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Here the BBC are reporting more trouble in Basra yesterday. "In Basra in the south, armed groups attacked the city council, in what reports say may be a move to avenge a tribal leader killed on Tuesday" What is omitted...
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In his speech to the World Affairs Council in Los Angeles yesterday, refering to interventions in Iraq and Afghanistan, Tony Blair told his audience- "The point about these interventions, however, military and otherwise, is that they were not just about...
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Without doubt Juan Cole writes a most thoughtful and well researched blog. There's a link in my Blogroll. It is essential reading for anyone interested in current Middle Eastern Affairs. He has recently written here about Christopher Hitchens. How Hitchens...
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The Coni and Jack Roadshow moves from Blackburn to Baghdad.And it's a sure sign of just how badly things are going in Iraq. A country that just three short years ago was going to provide a beacon of democracy to...
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On Friday, Condoleezza Rice told us that the US had made "thousands of tactical errors" since the invasion of Iraq three years ago. Assuming she meant thousands plural- and that's what she said- the mistakes must have reached at least...
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One stated objective that Mr. Bush has repeatedly pointed to, in justifying the continued US occupation of Iraq, is helping Iraq to become a "Democracy." Today Mr. Bush asked the man who - US authorities say - was duly elected...
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Yesterday Robert Fisk in the Independent described Blair and Bush as small men dressed up as Titans. The New York Times adds more pygmies together with their comments unrelated to reality even when they were made.
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The L.A Times via Americablog are reporting that the Norwegian Oil company DNO have signed an agreement to drill for oil in Kurdistan. DNO's press release can be seen here. According to DNO's website, "In the spring of 2004 DNO...
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