A couple of things that seem to have been misreported or ignored by the MSM following their lack of any critical faculties with this story.
Yesterday, the BBC reported that:
"Chief Inspector Olegario Sousa publicly declared that Kate and Gerry McCann, and their friends who were on holiday with them, were not suspects."
Of course that's all true But for those who watched the entire interview with Chief Inspector Sousa, will have heard him add the phrase....."at this moment". Listen to the interview, it comes at about 1:42.
Chief Inspector Sousa is also using the term "suspect" in the Portuguese meaning of that word.
In the UK, the police need, frankly,very little evidence to arrest a suspect. In Portugal much more evidence is required by the Police to designate anyone a suspect (arguido) in criminal proceedings.
Secondly, much is being made of the "alleged" spot of blood found by the English police officers who examined the apartment from which Madeleine "disappeared". How the sample has been taken for forensic examination in the UK. The idea that the Portuguese authorities do not have facilities to extract a DNA profile from a blood sample is preposterous. The Forensic Science Service will be able to compare any DNA profile they extract with the millions of samples on our national DNA database.
In their latest interviews Team McCann seem to be surprised that the press, especially in Portugal, appear to be asking more pertinent questions of this odd couple and their friends. Back in May I suggested that it would not be long before the media started digging around. The digging has started!
Yes, it is rather strange the way the media snips away at any comment made to show it favouring the Mccash's, instead of reporting it the way it was actually said. The other thing they are really fond of doing is adding little untruths to the details. Such as, 'fighting back tears', 'voice cracking with emotion', etc. The newspapers (and GMTV) seem to have not factored in that wonderful invention known as Television, where we the (less dim) public SEE the same interviews, and see the same bored expressions on both their faces, and the total lack of interest they show when questioned. It's going to be a very long drop from the top of that pedestal the media have put them on. I'm looking forward to hearing the dull thud at the end
Posted by: Mark | 14 August 2007 at 01:37 PM