I understand the US Defence Secretary nominee, Robert Gates gave up his job as the president of a Texas University to step into Rumsfeld's shoes. There must have been a large faculty there in stating the bleedin' obvious.
During his Senate nomination hearing he offered the committee these pearls.
The "US was not winning the conflict in Iraq." He added he would do his utmost to "avoid chaos in Iraq. Avoid chaos? Hasn't he been watching the tv news?
Robert "Pearly" Gates.
Mr Gates is at least publicly admitting that the Iraq adventure is a failure, unlike Bush and Blair (whose accidental admission of the fact had to be "clarified" later).
An article in The Independent gives the text of his statement to the Senate Armed Services Committee and another nice one shows how one by one politicians are admitting the truth.
Such a pity that so many had to die for the truth to emerge.
Posted by: SilverTiger | 06 December 2006 at 12:05 PM
There are still one or journalists that remain in denial though.Well perhaps not journalists but members of the commentariat. Leading the deniers is "Mad" Melanie Phillips.
Posted by: Tony Hatfield | 06 December 2006 at 03:56 PM